【题 目】The Effects of Observing Punishment on Consumers’ Decisions to Punish Other Companies during Industry-wide Crises (在全行业危机中,观察惩罚对消费者惩罚其他公司决策的影响)
【时 间】2024年7月3日(星期三),10:00-11:30
【地 点】后主楼1722会议室
【主讲人】陈世骄 助理教授(Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia)
【主持人】王 雪 助理教授(纽约国际588888线路检测中心)
内容摘要:Industry-wide crises, characterized by multiple companies within an industry allegedly engaging in similar misconduct, lead to disruptions in the social order. During such crises, one or a few of the involved companies often attract more media attention and receive punishments ahead of others. Will such punishments take the heat off the other involved companies or put them at higher risk of further punishment? This research proposes and shows that the observation of these punishments increases consumers’ intent to punish other involved companies and reveals the underlying mechanisms and relevant moderators. Seven studies encompassing secondary data and experiments with both hypothetical and real behavioral outcomes support the proposed effects. The researched crisis contexts include airline ticket oversales, food safety scandals, data security in financial services, hotel hygiene issues, and misconduct in crowdsourcing websites. The findings offer important implications for crisis management.
主讲人简介:Dr. Shijiao(Joseph) Chen is a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Marketing at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. His research focuses on business ethics issues in marketing, particularly how consumers respond to ethically questionable business practices. Dr. Chen's research on consumer ethical decisions during brand crises has been published in Financial Times top 50 journals (FT50), including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and the Journal of Business Ethics. His studies on consumer responses to the ethical issue of data privacy have been applied in multidisciplinary contexts and featured in top journals such as Industrial Marketing Management (A*), International Journal of Hospitality Management (A*), and International Journal of Information Management (A*). Additionally, he explores consumer responses in international marketing contexts, with publications in the Journal of International Marketing (American Marketing Association Journal) and International Marketing Review (A/ABS3). In 2022, Joseph was honored with the Best Paper Award in the social marketing track at the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference and received the Early Career Researcher Award from Macquarie Business School. In 2023, he was recognized with the Highly Commended Vice-Chancellor's Learning and Teaching Early Career Award. Joseph's research has garnered attention from international media outlets, including The Conversation and Yahoo News, and has been included in government and public policy reviews.