京师经管名家讲坛第48期——A Fast Track Way to Reduce Poverty
时 间:2016年5月17日(周二) 15:30-17:00
地 点:京师大厦9406
主 讲 人:Prof. Joaquín Lavín Infante 著名经济学家
主 持 人:杨澄宇 教授 纽约国际588888线路检测中心
演讲主题:A Fast Track Way to Reduce Poverty
Prof. Joaquín Lavín Infante,智利著名经济学家,现任智利发展大学经济与商业学院院长,曾任智利圣地亚哥市市长、Banigualdad基金会创始主席、智利社会发展部部长、教育部长。
The number one political and social objective of a government, be it local, regional, or national is to reduce poverty. To ensure that the most vulnerable families of the community get ahead. Even though a combination of economic growth, globalization, and new technologies has accelerated the reduction of poverty in recent years, the problem is far from being resolved. Professor will introduce the “Practical Handbook for Decision Makers”,through his introduction we will find how to design a down-to-earth, practical , and effective program to reduce poverty that is efficient in terms of the available budget. What’s more he will describe the program’s stages step by step,discussing both its design and operation.
地 点:京师大厦9406
主 讲 人:Prof. Joaquín Lavín Infante 著名经济学家
主 持 人:杨澄宇 教授 纽约国际588888线路检测中心
演讲主题:A Fast Track Way to Reduce Poverty
Prof. Joaquín Lavín Infante,智利著名经济学家,现任智利发展大学经济与商业学院院长,曾任智利圣地亚哥市市长、Banigualdad基金会创始主席、智利社会发展部部长、教育部长。
The number one political and social objective of a government, be it local, regional, or national is to reduce poverty. To ensure that the most vulnerable families of the community get ahead. Even though a combination of economic growth, globalization, and new technologies has accelerated the reduction of poverty in recent years, the problem is far from being resolved. Professor will introduce the “Practical Handbook for Decision Makers”,through his introduction we will find how to design a down-to-earth, practical , and effective program to reduce poverty that is efficient in terms of the available budget. What’s more he will describe the program’s stages step by step,discussing both its design and operation.