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HE Haoran

Curriculum Vitae


Haoran He, Ph.D., Professor

Nationality: China

Department of Economics

Business School, Beijing Normal University

Beijing 100875, China

Tel: +86 18611159549



Education&Visiting Experience



Visiting Schoolar, Brown University

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Gothenburg



Exchange student, University of California, Berkeley

Master in Economics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Bachelor in Management, Renmin University of China


Professional Employment:

Match, 2022 - present

JingShi Chair Professor in Economics

Business School, Beijing Normal University

September, 2019 - present

Professor in Economics

Business School, Beijing Normal University

Match, 2019 - present

Director of the Behavior and Game Decision Laboratory

Business School, Beijing Normal University

May, 2017 - present

Associate Professor in Economics, Doctoral supervisor

Business School, Beijing Normal University

September, 2014 - May, 2017  

Associate Professor in Economics

Business School, Beijing Normal University

Match, 2011 - August, 2014

Assistant Professor in Economics

Business School, Beijing Normal University

November, 2010 - February, 2011

Post-doctoral researcher

Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg

September, 2006 - October 2010


September, 2005 - August, 2006


Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant

Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg

Research Assistant

Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, CAS; Afforestation Department, SFA


Research Interests

Behavioral Economics; Experimental Economics; Labor Economics; Development Economics.


Research Outputs

Peer-reviewed Papers

International Journal Articles

Haoran He, David Neumark and Qian Weng, 2023. Do Higher Wage Offers Attract More Job Applications? A Field Experiment on Directed Search. Economic Journal, 133(1): 258-280.

Haoran He, Sherry Xin Li and Yulin Han, 2023. Labor Market Discrimination against Family Responsibilities: A Correspondence Study with Policy Change in China. Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming, 41 (2), 505-531.

Haoran He, David Neumark and Qian Weng, 2021. Do Workers Value Flexible Jobs? A Field Experiment. Journal of Labor Economics, 39 (3), 709-738.

Haoran He and Yefeng Chen, 2021. Auction Mechanisms for Allocating Subsidies for Carbon Emissions Reduction: An Experimental Investigation. Social Choice and Welfare, 57, 387-430.

Haoran He and Shuguang Jiang, 2020. Partisan Culture, Identity and Corruption: An Experimental Investigation Based on Chinese Communist Party. China Economic Review, 60, 101402.

• Qian Weng, Xia Gao, Haoran He and Shi Li, 2019. Family size, birth order and educational attainment: Evidence from China. China Economics Review, 57, 101346.

• Jun Luo, Yefeng Chen, Haoran He and Guanlin Gao, 2019. Hukou Identity and Fairness in the Ultimatum Game. Theory and Decision, 87, 389-420.

• Qian Weng and Haoran He, 2019. Geographic Distance, Income and Charitable Giving: Evidence from China. Singapore Economic Review, 64 (5): 1145-1169.

Haoran He and Marie Claire Villeval, 2017. Are group members less inequality averse than individual decision makers? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 138 (2017) 111-124.

Haoran He and Keyu Wu, 2016. Choice set, relative income, and inequity aversion: An experimental investigation. Journal of Economic Psychology, 54, 177-193.

• Jiegen Wei and Haoran He, 2016. Incentive Contract or Tenure Reform? Understanding the Transition of Forest Resources Management in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 8 (1): 112-128.

• Fredrik Carlsson, Haoran He and Peter Martinsson, 2013. Easy Come, Easy Go - The Role of Windfall Money in Lab and Field Experiments. Experimental Economics, 16 (2): 190-207.

• Fredrik Carlsson, Haoran He, Peter Martinsson, Ping Qin and Matthias Sutter, 2012. Household Decision-making in Rural China: Using Experiments to Estimate the Influence of Spouses. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 84 (2): 525-536.

Haoran He, Peter Martinsson and Matthias Sutter, 2012. Group Decision Making Under Risk: An Experiment with Student Couples. Economics Letters, 117 (3): 691-693.

Haoran He and Qian Weng, 2012. Ownership, Autonomy, Incentives and Efficiency: Evidence from the Forest Product Processing Industry in China. Journal of Forest Economics, 18 (3): 177-193.

Haoran He, 2012. Effects of Environmental Policy on Consumption - Lessons from the Chinese Plastic Bag Regulation. Environment and Development Economics, 17 (4): 407-431.

• Gang Liu, Yan Chen and Haoran He, 2012. China’s environmental challenges going rural and west. Environment and Planning A, 44: 1657 – 1660.


Domestic Journal Articles

何浩然夏静文2023), 在线审计实验方法的发展及其应用《经济科学, 接收待刊印

何浩然,卢柯霖(2020), 为什么团队与个人决策存在差异?基于团队内成员互动的解释《经济学(季刊)》, 21(4)1213-1232

何浩然,张杰,裴朋圆,翁茜(2020独生子女的信任歧视及其来源:来自经济学实验的证据《经济评论》, 2021年第1期:146-160。(人大复印报刊资料《理论经济学》2021年第6期转载)。

何浩然,夏静文,关雯琦,林斌斌(2020),淘汰式惩罚与合作:基于经济学实验的研究, 《世界经济》, 2020年第3期:46-68

罗俊,陈叶烽,何浩然2019), 捐赠信息公开对捐赠行为的筛选提拔效应——来自慈善捐赠田野实验的证据《经济学(季刊)》, 18卷第4期:1209-1238

何浩然,周业安(2017),换位经历会促进换位思考吗?来自经济学实验的证据, 《世界经济》,2017年第4期:147-166。(人大复印报刊资料《理论经济学》2017年第8期转载)



















Working Papers

• Haoran He, Marcus Roel, Ronghai Su and Qian Weng, 2020. Does Goal Setting with More Precise Information Improve Performance? A Field Experiment.

• Haoran He, Wanyu Jiang, Qian Weng and Jingwen Xia, 2020. Intergroup Contact and Trust: Experimental Evidence.

• Haoran He, Jingwen Xia and Qian Weng, 2020. How to Improve Health Services Quality? A Review on Credence Good Studies (in Chinese).


Work in progress

• Haoran He, David Neumark and Qian Weng. Wage Penalty toward Female Physicians: Evidence from an Online Health Care Platform.

• Haoran He, Jingwen Xia and Qian Weng. Reputation, Second Opinion and Quality in Health Care Delivery: A Field Experiment.

• Haoran He, Di Ma and Qian Weng. How Do Shaming and Deduction Affect Loan Repayment? A

Field Experiment.



Haoran He (2010), “Environmental and Behavioral Economics - Applications to China (Monograph in English)”. ISBN: 978-91-85169-51-1, Geson Hylte Tryck, Sweden.

Haoran He (2013), Experimental Studies on Fairness, Chapter 15 in Research Report on Income Distribution in China (in Chinese)” edited by Li Shi, Lai Desheng, Luo Chuliang et al., ISBN: 978-7-5097-4437-6, Social Science Academic Press, Beijing.

Haoran He (2013), Can Impacts of Public Policies be Accurately Predicted? Natural Experiment Evidence from the Plastic Bag Regulation in China, Chapter 2 in “Economics in China 2012” edited by Rongzhu Ke, Bin Zhang, Ye’an Zhou, ISBN: 978-7-5432-2364-6, Gezhi Press, Beijing.

• Xia Gao, Qian Weng, and Haoran He (2015), Family Size and Educational Attainment: One Century Evidence from China, Chapter 21 in “Research Report on Income Distribution in China (in Chinese)” edited by Li Shi, Lai Desheng, Luo Chuliang et al., ISBN: 978-7-5095-7897-1, China Press for Finance and Economics, Beijing.


Conference Papers/Presentations

2022   National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, China; School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University (Online); 2022 The 5th Shanxi Normal University Behavioral Economics and Management International Symposium (Online);

2021   The 8th Tsinghua University International Conference on the Chinese Economy (Online); 2021 Shenzhen University Public Policy and Experimental Economics Workshop (Online); School of Economics, Zhejiang University (Online); 2021 The 4th Shanxi Normal University Behavioral Economics and Management International Symposium (Online); 2021 China Forum for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Shanghai, China;

2020   National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, China; Business School, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; 2020 The 3rd Shanxi Normal University Behavioral Economics and Management International Symposium (Online); Fudan University Nothing to Envy Online Seminar (Online); 2020 ESA Global Virtue Meeting (Online); 2020 China Forum for Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Online); Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China; School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University (Online); The 2020 Best Employer Forum, Zhilianzhaopin, Hangzhou, China; 2020 The 2nd Shandong University Neuro-economics Forum (Online);

2019   School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, China; ESA 2019 Asian-Pacific Meeting, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 2019 China Forum for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Hangzhou, China; School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China; School of Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; School of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China; 2019 SHUFE Behavioral Workshop, Shanghai, China; Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China; School of Economics, Heibei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, China; Center for Economic Research, Shandong University, Jinan, China; School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China; School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China;

2018   School of Economics and Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China; School of Economics, Henan University, Kaifeng, China; The 2018 Beijing International Workshop on Microeconomics: Empirics, Experiments and Theory, Beijing, China; School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China; 2018 Renmin university/GLO conference, Beijing, China; The 2018 Labor Economics Pioneer Forum, Beijing, China; School of Economics, China Eastern Normal University, Shanghai, China; School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China; School of Economics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China; 2018 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics, Xiamen, China;

2017   The 2017 Best Employer Forum, Zhilianzhaopin, Hangzhou, China; The 2017 International Workshop on Experimental Social Policy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China; School of Economics, Southeast Normal University, Guangzhou, China; The 2nd International Forum of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Northeastern University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China; The 2017 North American Meeting of Economic Science Association, Richmond, USA; The School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China; College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; School of Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China;

2016   The Division of Economics, Beijing Administrative College, Beijing, China; The 5th SEBA-GATE International Workshop, Beijing, China; The 2016 International Meeting of Economic Science Association, Jerusalem, Israel; The 2016 International workshop on Transition from school to work, Beijing, China; China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China; The LingNan College, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.

2015   The School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; The School of Economics, Shandong University, Jinan, China; The School of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; The 6th SEBA-GATE International Workshop, Lyon, France; The 7th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets, Beijing, China; The 2015 International Conference on Consciousness and Intention in Economics and Philosophy, Kyoto, Japan.

2014   The 2014 Asian-Pacific Meeting of Economic Science Association, Auckland, New Zealand; The School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China; The Development Research Center of the State Council, Beijing, China; The 5th SEBA-GATE International Workshop, Shanghai, China; Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique, University of Lyon, Ecully, France; The School of Economics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; The 5th Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics, Xiamen, China.

2013   The 4th SEBA-GATE International Workshop, Lyon, France; 2013 Conference of Chinese Economists Society, Chengdu, China; The School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China; The School of Economics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China; The 4th Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics, Xiamen, China.

2012   The 20th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Prague, Czech Republic; The 2012 International Meeting of Economic Science Association, New York, USA; The School of Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China; The School of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; The 3rd SEBA-GATE International Workshop, Chengde, China; The 2012 Asian-Pacific Meeting of Economic Science Association, Xiamen, China;

2011   The 11th China Economics Annual Conference, Shanghai, China; School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China; The 5th Annual Conference of Environment for Development (EfD), Arusha, Tanzania; The 19th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Roma, Italy; The 2011 International Meeting of Economic Science Association, Chicago, USA; The 8th Chinese Women Economists Workshop, Beijing, China.

2010   The 4th Annual Conference of Environment for Development (EfD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; The 25th Annual Congress of European Economic Association, Glasgow, UK; The Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; The Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, CAS, Beijing, China; The College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China; The School of Economics and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. The College of Resource & Environmental Management, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, China.

2009   The 7th International Conference on the Chinese Economy by CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France; The European Meeting of the Economic Science Association, Innsbruck, Austria; The Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; The Department of Agricultural and Resources Economics, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA.

2008   The 16th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Gothenburg, Sweden; The 19th Annual Conference of Chinese Economic Association (UK), Cambridge, UK; The School of Economics, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China.

2007   The 6th International Conference on the Chinese Economy by CERDI-IDREC, Clermont-Ferrand, University of Auvergne, France.


Professional Societies/Activities

· Member of the Global Labor Organization

· Member of the Economic Science Association

· Member of the European Economic Association

· Member of the American Economic Association

· Member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

· Member of the Chinese Economic Association

· 中国劳动经济学会理事

· 中国行为与实验经济学论坛程序会员会委员

· 中国劳动经济学者论坛年会程序会员会委员


Refereeing Activities

· Review of Economic Studies; Management Science; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of Development Economics; Experimental Economics [3]; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [3]; World Development; Economic Inquiry; Environment and Development Economics; Health Economics; Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics [2]; Plos One; Applied Economics; China Agricultural Economic Review; Social Indicator Research;

· 经济学(季刊) [6];世界经济 [5];财贸经济 [2];经济学报;

· 国家自然科学基金 [2017-];中国经济学年会 [2011-];中国劳动经济学者论坛年会 [2016-];中国行为经济学论坛年会 [2019-]


Research Projects

· Project funded by National Science Foundation of China on non-monetary incentive on job search, 2019, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Beijing Natural Science Foundation on the influence of non-monetary incentive measures on labor participation and employee performance, 2019, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Chinese Ministry of Education on design of anti-corruption policy based on behavioral economics and its effect evaluation, 2018, principal investigator.

· Project funded by National Science Foundation of China on one-child’s economic preferences, behavior and their impacts, 2014, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Chinese Ministry of Education on an experimental study on the mechanism of market-based allocation of carbon emission rights and its social economic impact, 2013, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Chinese Ministry of Education on the analysis on the impact of China's plastic bag use restriction policy, 2013, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Beijing Normal University on the selection of market allocation mechanism of carbon emission right, 2013, principal investigator.

· Project funded by National Social Sciences Fund on the study on the construction of harmonious labor relations, 2012, main participant.

· Project funded by Environment for Development initiative and Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency on auction mechanisms for allocation of carbon emission reduction subsidy, 2012, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Ministry of Environmental Protection on the research of the mechanism, effect evaluation and early warning of pollution reduction on the economic structure adjustment, 2012, main participant.

· Project funded by Swedish fund of Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius on experimental economic analysis of the effects of income heterogeneity, punishment and organizational size on cooperative behavior, 2011, main participant.

· Project funded by Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency and University of Gothenburg on short-term impact assessment of the plastic bag restriction policy, 2007, principal investigator.

· Project funded by Swedish research fund (Vetenskapsrådet) and Swedish fund of Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius on research on the influencing factors of decision maker's behavior in economics experiment, 2007, principal investigator.

· Project funded by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation on the research on the impact of charitable giving, 2009, principal investigator.

· Project funded by National Science Foundation of China, the World Bank and Environment for Development initiative on dynamic change analysis and policy simulation of forest resources in state-owned forest regions of northeast China based on GIS technology, 2009, main participant.

· Project funded by Swedish research fund (Vetenskapsrådet), Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency and University of Gothenburg on the research on decision-making behavior of peasant households, 2007, main participant.

· Project funded by Afforestation Department of State Forestry Administration on alternative cultivation and forest cultivation for drug control abroad, 2005, main participant.

· Project funded by National Science Foundation of China, State Forestry Administration and Property Rights and Resources Initiative on the study on the reform plan of state-owned forest regions, 2004, main participant.

· Project funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Science Foundation of China on economic evaluation of fertilization behavior and nonpoint source pollution in agriculture, 2003, main participant.


Teaching experiences

Courses taught

 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (bilingual), undergraduate level, 2011 - present

• Experimental Economics (bilingual), undergraduate level, 2011 - present 

• Experimental Economics (bilingual), graduate level, 2011 - present

• Intermediate Microeconomics (in English), graduate level, 2014 - present

• Research Methodology in Economics (bilingual), graduate level, 2014-2019

• Managerial Economics (in Chinese), graduate level (MBA), 2021 - present


Student Supervision

Current students: 2 domestic PhD students; 5 domestic master students; 3 international master students; 8 MBA students; 5 undergraduate students.

Graduated students: 8 domestic master students; 5 international master students; 62 MBA students; 28 undergraduate students.






















Social Services

• “2021年纽约国际588888线路检测中心实验经济学会议召集人(2021

• “2020年纽约国际588888线路检测中心实验经济学会议召集人(2020

• “纽约国际588888线路检测中心行为与博弈决策实验室主任(2019至今)

• “2019年纽约国际588888线路检测中心实验经济学会议召集人(2019

• “2017年纽约国际588888线路检测中心实验经济学会议召集人(2017




• “2016年纽约国际588888线路检测中心实验经济学会议召集人(2016


Sporting life

Athlete level: national level athletes (国家一级运动员), 2017, mountaineering


· Mountaineering(登山):登顶雀儿山(6168m2015.7)、玉珠峰(6178m2016.7)、慕斯塔格峰(7546m2017.7)、哈巴雪山(5398m2018.8)、那玛峰(5588m2019.8)、阿尼玛卿(6282m2020.8,至5100m未登顶)、雪宝顶(5588m2020.9,至5200m未登顶)、金银山(6410m2022.7

· Running(跑步):贵阳国际马拉松(2016.7)、北京国际长跑节半程马拉松(2017.4)、成都国际马拉松(2017.9)、北京长城国际马拉松(2018.5)、贵阳国际马拉松(2018.7)、六盘水国际马拉松(2018.7)、北京国际马拉松(2018.9)、南京国际马拉松(2018.11)(全马PB成绩:3:07:29)、厦门国际马拉松(2019.1)、第三届亚太地区商学院新疆越野挑战赛(2019.6)(男子个人第四名)、泉城国际马拉松(2019.11)、深圳国际马拉松(2019.12)、第九届亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛(2020.8)(男子B组个人第五名)、第三届亚太区商学院龙向海越野挑战赛(2021.1)(男子A组个人第一名)、北京国际长跑节半程马拉松(2021.4)(半马PB成绩:1:25:11)、第十届亚太地区商学院沙漠挑战赛(2021.5

· Triathlon铁人三项:贵阳国际铁人三项赛(奥运标准距离)(2017.8)、北京国际铁人三项赛(奥运标准距离)(2018.9

· Swimming游泳:黄山太平湖公开水域游泳赛暨玄铁·太平湖泳渡赛4公里横渡组(2019.9)、2020年京津冀游泳公开赛暨第七届北京市全民游泳大赛(2020.10)(男子35-39岁组100米自由泳第七名)